This January in Tarija, Bolivia, LIFE International partner Centro de Vida (Center for Life) was invited to share about sexual purity! 

The event was organized by MOVIDA, an organization that mobilizes youth to serve in missions—locally and internationally! At the conference were 120 teenagers and young people from different church denominations, attending four plenary sessions, and breakout sessions on different themes.

Centro de Vida staff and volunteers facilitated a session on sexual purity with a group of 36 young people. There were many more that wanted to attend, but the maximum capacity was 30! 


“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

— Matthew 5:16

Centro de Vida also had a resource table that received a lot of attention from the conference participants—some of the items are training tools from LIFE International, like Life in the Womb, and other items were brochures about the services offered at the pregnancy center. 



It is our prayer that these young people will take what they have learned and influence their communities for Christ by the way they live their lives—a light shining before others.

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