“We are only as healthy as our secrets.”
When I recently read this statement, I found myself in agreement. The secrets we hold often create a life separate from the one we allow others to see. Imagine the freedom of letting go of those deeply held secrets!
What’s the “secret” then to letting go of secrets? What are the benefits? The costs? Do leaders grow healthier when they address this area? How does letting go of secrets change our leadership? How do we even begin to address this area?
We must first be willing to acknowledge that we do indeed have unhealthy secrets, then be honest enough to deal with them. Some of us have grown so accustomed to hiding our secrets that they have become a way of life. The Holy Spirit is skilled at revealing the hidden areas that we have neglected and forgotten about. When you ask him for revelation, He will shine His spotlight on the particular areas He wants you to address, and He will help you to prioritize their release.
Trusted friends are vital during this process, because Scripture is clear about confessing our sins to each other (James 5:16). Immediately after confession comes prayer, the outcome of which is healing!
People are looking for leaders that are healthy, authentic, honest, and comfortable in their own skin. You can never be this kind of leader as long as you hold unhealthy secrets. You will benefit when you release your secrets because you will now have nothing to hide. You will be empowered to follow Christ in a new and fresh way, and more of your energy will be poured into your ministry—rather than expending it on image management.
Christian leaders must seek to be re-imaged into the very likeness of Jesus Christ, our Lord. If this is our goal, we must deal with our secrets and allow our Lord to transform those areas of our life. A healthy leader creates a healthy culture for ministry to grow in. The healthier you become the healthier your ministry becomes.
This healing process does not happen overnight, but it will increase your impact from the very first time you address it. As you allow God to heal you of long-held secrets, your ministry will never be the same, and you will wonder why you didn’t deal with these things before.
Trust the Lord, and He will transform you from the inside out!
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