
Personal stories from our partners and gospel leaders.

A Book Report

When equipping International Training Specialists to minister in a culture other than their own, we recommend books that will prepare them for some of the differences they will encounter. God's creativity shines through each person—in physical...

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Defunding the Abortion Juggernaut

Do you know that for (at least) the past eight years, the United States has been contributing hundreds of millions of dollars every year to promote abortion in other nations? It’s true. At least it was true, until a couple weeks ago. The “Mexico...

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Issue Fatigue

“Why doesn’t God have a plan to end abortion?” This is the question I was recently asked by a man in whom I sensed a great weariness and frustration. Is God absent? Does He not hear our cries? Why does He not respond? He may have been feeling what many...

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