Making Known the Father’s Heart for Life

There is nothing more valuable than human life, because we are made by God in His image. God values human beings so much that He sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, in order to rescue us.

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Upholding the Biblical Value of All Human Life Worldwide

Human life begins at conception and it ends with the last natural breath. Regardless of gender, race, age, ability, status, or any other factor, every person – from the preborn child to the elderly man or woman – is fully human and loved by God.

When Human Life is Devalued, People Suffer

The dignity and lives of millions of people around the world are violated every day, leading to immense suffering and death. Abortion alone, in which the life of a preborn child is ended, claims the lives of more than 150,000 people every day – 56 million every year around the world.

Every week of every year, a million preborn lives are ended, a million mothers lose hope, a million fathers lose an heir, millions of siblings lose a relationship, and millions of grandparents lose their legacy. Abortion has created a vast mission field, and we have been called to enter it.

When Human Life is Devalued, People Suffer

The dignity and lives of millions of people around the world are violated every day, leading to immense suffering and death. Abortion alone, in which the life of a preborn child is ended, claims the lives of more than 150,000 people every day – 56 million every year around the world.

Every week of every year, a million preborn lives are ended, a million mothers lose hope, a million fathers lose an heir, millions of siblings lose a relationship, and millions of grandparents lose their legacy. Abortion has created a vast mission field, and we have been called to enter it.

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How We’re Making a Difference

Jesus came to bring abundant life where our enemy has stolen life from us (John 10:10). At LIFE International we exist to make known this truth throughout the world.

We do this through partnership with global Christian leaders: men and women who are equipped to proclaim God’s love for all human beings, from conception to natural death. Local followers of Christ are then empowered to respond to the devaluation of human life in their communities through the development of life-giving ministries.

As a result, preborn children are given life, women and men find healing after abortion, and people embrace the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Your Partnership Matters

There are more than seven billion human beings in the world today, and all those people create countless opportunities for restoration and redemption. Join us today to see a world in which people of all nations find their hope and healing in Jesus Christ.

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Become an ambassador for life, in your hometown and abroad.

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Join our virtual prayer team to support those in the field.

God Is At Work in the World

LIFE International has equipped more than 15,000 leaders for ministry in more than 100 nations. Here is more information about our vision and people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus’ abundant life.

You can be pro-life and not pro-Jesus, but you can’t be pro-Jesus and not pro-life.

You can be pro-life and not pro-Jesus, but you can’t be pro-Jesus and not pro-life.

Joyce and Abraham

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