“You shall not murder”

These are four crystal clear words, spoken directly by God to Moses (in Exodus 20:13), and they don’t leave much wiggle room for interpretation. After all, this imperative is one of ten commandments.It’s not one of ten suggestions or proposals…or...

Confused, Afraid, and in Need of Hope

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars…” The world is confused. Global fear is escalating. The media fuels (and feeds on) unrest, unease, and suspicion. The future is uncertain. There is a shaking going on in our world, a world that is searching for stability,...

Overcoming Overwhelmedness

After we walked into the Zambian orphanage I stooped down to say hello to a single child, and—in moments—I was mobbed by excited boys and girls who took the opportunity to swarm around the visiting American. It was then that my host and friend, Edward Mwansa...
Be a Host

Be a Host