Bringing Life to Croatia

Each year, LIFE International’s Eastern European Regional Office holds a summit for life-giving ministries. The conference has three goals: training, encouragement, and prayer. Read about the 2015 summit here. Larysa Ploskonis, Director of LIFE International’s Eastern...

The Journey of a Life-Giver

We call the act of traveling from one place to another a journey, yet we also speak of life as a journey: “The journey of life.” Every human’s journey starts at conception and each journey is made up of countless day-to-day events. When the journey...

Celebrating Freedom!

We received the following translated testimonies of Christian brothers and sisters who were delivered from bondage during a LIFE International-facilitated training in French-speaking Africa. (All names have been changed.) “You, my brothers and sisters, were...

Peeking Back, Looking Forward

As I reflect on 2015, I am deeply thankful for all that God has done, and for the privilege of partnering with you in service to Him throughout the year. This divine-human cooperative provides a crucial path to hope within an overwhelming...
Be a Host

Be a Host