Our Romania event has come to a close. I was deeply enriched, yet again, by seeing God’s gentle touch as he changed the lives of leaders—right in front of me. It’s a privilege to participate with God in an experience that transforms lives, communities, and nations!
The participants have openly shared about their encounters with the Lord. Here are a few of their statements:
“I came here expecting to hear pro-life arguments and to meet people, but I met God. I met the Life-Giver.” (Medical doctor)
“I assisted in doing abortions. Probably many women need to forgive me! I was encouraged by you to let Christ cleanse me of this deep sin. I believe Jesus forgave me of this grave sin.” (Health professional)
“I don’t want to be a person who is speechless. I had a friend who was 15 and she communicated that she had an abortion at 12. I didn’t know what to do. I have learned from this training that I need to speak, be compassionate, and take a stand for the innocent preborn.” (Youth pastor)
“We came to this conference by accident, but we have discovered it was a divine appointment. I have dreamed of starting a pregnancy care center in my town; now this dream will become a reality.” (Ministry leader)
“We have decided this training needs to be duplicated in our city. We are going to work on this with Clinica Pro Vita.” (Ministry leader)
“We are going to arrange a prayer movement to support what needs to occur in Romania.” (Pastor)
“Two weeks ago only 17 people were registered; I was very discouraged. One day before starting we had 35 people; this week has been a great joy for me. God was in control! Please do not quit; I have been working for 18 years and I will not quit.” (Conference organizer)
“It has been a very hard week. Now I’m more rested and have a joyful heart.” (Catholic priest)
“The CLT is much more than I anticipated. This is the best training I have ever attended on this issue. I wish I invited many more!” (Baptist pastor)
“I have been touched every day. God has met with me. I feel God has spoiled me by this wonderful gift!” (Ministry leader)
“I encourage the Romanian people to not depend on foreigners to save Romania. I challenge my Romanian friends to now stand up and save Romania themselves.” (Ministry leader)
This time in Romania has been a time to strengthen and restore broken people—who are also life-giving people—for the vital work that God has established here. This nation, one that has endured great human struggles, is experiencing an emerging and growing life-giving culture. Would you pray that the seeds planted in the hearts of these church and ministry leaders would take root, grow, and flourish? God is leading the way with His church in Romania, and He is raising up an army of dedicated life-givers!
Featured image: Matthias Corvinus Monument in front of St. Michael’s Church (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
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