Volunteer: Debora Wilbourn
Location: Kenya
Assignment: Teacher & Administrator
Date: March 2015
Debora Wilbourn has volunteered with LIFE International since 2013, traveling to Zambia in 2014, and Kenya in 2015. She writes, “God has given me a deep passion for international ministry,” because “the destruction from the sin of abortion and the spilling of innocent blood reaches across all borders.”
In March of 2015 a LIFE International team was invited to teach a group of Gospel leaders how to counsel men and women through the Abortion Recovery healing and forgiveness process. We would like to share with you Debora’s response to her experience with LIFE International.
“LIFE International does an amazing job in helping the [volunteers] be prepared as much as possible. From the cultural intelligence orientation, to the process of helping us gain experience in a careful and thoughtful way, there is so much done to help us be prepared. The reality is, though, that ANYTHING can happen—from small things to large things—and you can’t predict everything that might come along.
One very special part of our time there was in discovering (with our host’s help and guidance) a way to fit in the puzzle piece of the healthy grieving process in African tribal cultures for those that are post-abortive.
I am always challenged spiritually when meeting believers around the world who battle huge odds—even in being able to travel to and from the venue where we were working! They seem to take in stride the fact that the world is a hard place to live and that is just part of the human experience. That really makes me examine my own spiritual journey and what I am willing to do to keep growing and solidifying my relationship with Christ despite the odds.
I hope and pray that given the same circumstances many of them face on a daily basis, that I would find the energy, courage, determination, and desire to overcome the odds!
I have had the privilege of traveling with LIFE International twice now, and they do everything possible to guide and protect those who are with them. I really couldn’t ask for more!”
When asked about volunteering again with LIFE International, Debora responded, “I’ll do whatever it is I am asked to do. I consider it such an honor and privilege to be able to work with LIFE International!”
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