Several years ago during the renovation of our ministry center, I was looking at a blueprint in order to reconfigure space for accommodating our growing staff. As I was moving walls around in my mind, I realized something: I have not considered space for God.
This thought caught me off guard and I struggled with the seeming impracticality of creating space just for prayer and meeting with God, even while not having enough space for staff. The Lord gently, but persistently, drove His point home in my heart. I grew excited to contemplate the design of a quiet, maybe even creative, space where we could pull away from phones and discussions and refocus on Jesus, our real boss, during the work day. As a result of this aha moment, the ministry center did end up having a less spacious area for staff, but we gained a dedicated room to serve as a real-life space to meet with God.
During this journey of reallocating space, I was reminded of one amazing truth: Yes, I want to spend time with God, but even more so, God wants to spend time with me! We are promised that His name is called Emmanuel—God with us! We have the awesome opportunity to know Him, enjoy Him, and incorporate His life and ways into each aspect of our work and life…and not only during a home-based quiet time or Sunday church service! “Come near to God and he will come near to you,” is that clear promise from the book of James.
The endeavor to value and protect life, and to speak up when it is diminished, is an overwhelming challenge. Dan Anderson, author and speaker on prayer, has stated, “To the degree that God’s people become a place of prayer, to the same degree they’ll become a place where God releases his power.” Today, what we need more than anything—more than strategic planning, more than money, more than efficient programs—is more of God’s power activated when we pray in faith.
I remind myself—and I urge you as followers of Christ—to integrate prayer into every aspect of your daily living. Let’s come near to God and watch what happens when He comes near to us. We have the opportunity to become a life-giving movement transformed by united prayer in which God can do His mighty work. When God’s people come together in prayer and unity, the devaluing of life and the death march around the world will be interrupted, because it cannot stand up against the unleashing of God’s power.
Let’s make room for God and humbly bow our knee. This is the correct posture for God to do his work through us. As long as we do this, as God’s people, there will still be hope in our world (2 Chronicles 7:14).
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