Kurt Dillinger, President of Life International, and Pastor Mark Shaw discuss the Gospel and the Sanctity of Human Life. From their discussion, you will learn: . What it means to be a life-giving person as a follower of Jesus. . What it means to receive the love of...
Kurt Dillinger, President of Life International, and Pastor Mark Shaw discuss the Gospel and the Sanctity of Human Life. From their discussion, you will learn: You can be pro-life and not pro-Jesus, but you can’t be pro-Jesus and not pro-life. The value of all...
Kurt Dillinger, President of Life International, and Pastor Mark Shaw discuss the Gospel and the Sanctity of Human Life. From their discussion, you will learn: What it means to be a Life-Giver. The importance of the first four words of the Bible, “In the beginning,...
We lean over his bed, trembling. The tired face is a mockery of itself, a deflated balloon, sunken and empty, eyes staring into nothing, mouth slack and open. His chest falls, shuddering, and does not rise again. Mary wails her sorrow, and I wish I could join her, but...
The old woman’s eyes narrow into an angry squint, and her lips curl in disgust. “Filthy!” she spurts, pointing at me and then twisting away. Confused, I look down, see a damp streak on my skirt, and my fingers come away red and sticky. That was 12 years ago, but the...
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