Until all of Africa is Reached

Recently while in Kenya I was struck by the sincerity of the National leadership that I had the honor to address on the valuing of all human life. The leaders came from all over Africa with one goal in mind, to know the heart of the Father on life issues. We sat...

Nasty but Necessary Emotion

Death is never easy for us to consider, and when it is forced on us by the sudden passing of a loved one, it is one of the most difficult things  for us to understand and deal with emotionally, physically and spiritually. This has occurred to us this week at Life...

Upper Room Visit

I will never forget my Upper Room Visit one evening in Romania. I had just landed in Cluj Napoca around 11pm after traveling for over 14 hours. I was anticipating meeting my friends and being whisked off to their home for a long-awaited sleep. But, after clearing...

Awakening the Image

Creation of Adam At the very beginning of Gods letter to us we read a profound statement, God created us in His Image. We have read this as many times as we have read the Bible and yet I wonder have we fully comprehended what this statement actually means. I am on a...

Image, Work and Rest

Throughout the history of the Church a debate has occurred repeatedly concerning the practice of the Sabbath. Some practice the Sabbath on  the first day of the week and nothing but worship and rest occurs that day. Others permit recreation and...

Trust: The Commodity we Trade in

Recently LIFE International staff discussed the subject of trust as central to our relationships globally. We concluded that a great way to describe this aspect of our ministry was the statement , “The primary currency we ‘trade’ in is TRUST”. The trust relationship...
Be a Host

Be a Host