Women hoping to recover from prior abortions attended a weekend retreat provided by our ministry partner, Deeper Still. Our team conducts this work with great care, beginning weeks before the event. Though participation is confidential, hours of prayer are offered for each client, for their families, and also for the team that will serve them. The lakeshore meeting site is peaceful, and the staff is prepared to provide sensitive support – usually at the rate of two team members for each participant.
As one client wrote after the retreat, “I started out terrified to be there and ended being sad to walk away. I have apologized to my husband for not being able to face my feelings. I asked him if he would go with me to the clinics and plant life in places that once held death for me, and he told me he will go. My marriage is being restored. I never knew this was possible and I am excited to see where God and I will walk together in the future.”
At LIFE International, we are dedicated to helping women (and men) experience the healing and forgiveness that is only found in Jesus’ great love. To register for a future retreat, please contact us.
Local: www.deeperstillwestmichigan.org
National: www.godeeperstill.org
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