As I reflect on 2015, I am deeply thankful for all that God has done, and for the privilege of partnering with you in service to Him throughout the year. This divine-human cooperative provides a crucial path to hope within an overwhelming death march experienced by so many believers and non-believers alike.
To date, the Lord has led us—LIFE International + you + many others—to influence within 82 nations! Brothers and sisters in these countries were able to hear the life message in their own communities or in regional gatherings!
God has raised up a growing number of faithful partners in strategic locations around the world, and it has been exciting to watch them design and implement the necessary strategies in order to meet their unique needs. These are humble servants who face daunting challenges: remember that our enemy is seeking to rob, kill, or destroy them (and us)! Throughout their persevering efforts they maintain a profound confidence and steadfast faith in a very big, and infinitely capable, God.
As we look forward to the year ahead, we anticipate new and exciting opportunities (and some tough challenges of our own) that the Lord will place before us. I will continue to develop new content for our training, complete some overdue writing projects, spread our message through strategic speaking opportunities, and continue to coach and influence key movement leaders around the world on human life issues.
This past week, Gail and I were deeply fortunate that our entire family could be together for Christmas as we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (and the birth of granddaughter #2 a few weeks ago)!
Together we want to express our gratitude to all of you for your partnership, and we are looking forward to all that God has in store for us in 2016.
Kurt and Gail
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