Here are a few testimonies from our recent JOL training in Uganda

“This training has spoken to me about being gracious to others, especially when they make mistakes. I received great knowledge about the sanctity of life, and I have planned to teach others who will teach others. In addition, I want you to know that I have forgiven my daughter who is currently pregnant out of wedlock. I will keep loving her until she gives birth to the precious child and afterwards. Thank you!” – participant, Liberia

“The girls/boys in schools need to be informed. They need to be educated on purity and biblical sexuality and thereby prevent unplanned pregnancy and abortions. I will be moving to schools, colleges, universities to have life talks and recruit more life-givers.” – N., Uganda

“Even though I have learned the lessons taught before, as the speaker elaborated on each lesson, I felt God speaking more and more to me about His heart for Human Life. I am energized to be a life-giver in my society and even beyond. The inward satisfaction gained from this training cannot be expressed outside. It is an inner joy to know how God made me, and He cares for me as His image-bearer.” – W., virtual training participant

“I have realized that through what we speak, see or think, we can easily destroy a life or build a life. This is one of the least things we pay attention to in our churches and our communities. The different aspect of redemptive speaking, listening and thinking has opened my mind on what is right and wrong. Because of this by the grace of God, I will devote my life to being a life-giver rather than a life-taker.” – E., Uganda

“I received forgiveness and plan to let others know that this exists—forgiveness in Jesus Christ for whatever wrong thing they have done. In addition, I am committed to teach and live and uphold the value of life. – D., Liberia

The abortion part of the training spoke to me most as I put myself in the shoes of the unborn and imagined if my mother had done this to me. [This training] has really spoken to me because I have also been involved in shedding this innocent blood as a midwife. It has impacted my life in that I began giving life to those who come for abortion. Repentance, forgiveness, and healing spoke to me. God has forgiven me, and I am healed through my sincere confession.” – M. Uganda

“All was so impacting, but repentance, healing and forgiveness did me a great deal. Many times in my life I have been much disappointed with people I thought would be of help and encouragement to me, like immediate relatives and ministers of God. This always caused bitterness in my heart, hence failing to forgive due to much pain. But ever since training, my heart now freely forgives, repents fully, and now reconciliation with many is taking place and mostly with God.” – Pastor F., Uganda

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