Kinshasa City Ministry, our partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo, provided our Journey of a Life-Giver training to more than 200 leaders and distributed 700 JOL curriculum manuals for those leaders to take home for training sessions in their own communities. In this way, the message you support is being multiplied in nations around the world!
“In light of my sister-in-law’s situation, the family decided it would be best for her to have an abortion, and they instructed me to secretly contact a doctor to make the arrangements. I was supposed to go see the doctor the day this training started, but I decided to go to the training first. As you can imagine, after our first day, I decided not to see the doctor and participate in an abortion. Instead, I went straight home.
“When I got home, my mother-in-law thought I was returning from the doctor, and she wanted to know how it went. When I explained that I had not been to see the doctor, she demanded to know why. I told her that after learning what I did in the training session, I could not facilitate the taking of a life.
“Suddenly she became angry and refused to speak to me. I tried to explain the advantages of keeping the baby, but she would have none of it. The next day, I asked my husband to talk to her so that we could keep the baby, and, finally, she agreed. I am very happy that we have just saved a life! Let us pray for the father of this unborn child.”—Mamy, DR Congo
“My name is Rebecca, and I am a medical student. I am still a virgin but have a long-term boyfriend and we love each other very much. I am so attracted to him, and prior to this training session, I was ready to give myself to him before marriage. I am so thankful I was able to participate in this training, which reminded me again that God’s plan is for me to remain a virgin until marriage.” – Rebecca, DR Congo
“I thank God for allowing me to attend this training. I am a pharmacist by training, and even though I was a Christian, I helped women induce chemical abortions. One night I had a dream that a girl was going to die because of the drugs I was selling. When I woke up, I said to myself, ‘What kind of servant of God am I… a Christian who commits crimes?’ Right then and there I decided to stop selling these drugs.
I have always wanted to do something for the Lord, but this training was really the response to my concerns. God clearly showed me what to do, and, starting today, I am going to fight against the devaluation of human life instead of helping people take life. I give glory to God for teaching me the value of human life.” —Lydie, DR Congo
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