From “Pro-Life” to Life-Giving

“When you think of a pro-life person, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?” This is the question I recently asked to a group of bright college and career singles in a local, Bible-believing church. Their energetic responses took more than 20...

A Factory of Idols

“Man’s nature…is a perpetual factory of idols.” John Calvin Hearing the word “idol,” it’s easy to picture chanting, bowing, dancing, and waving incense around a giant golden statue. If we aren’t doing that, we don’t have a problem worshiping idols,...

Jesus Gave His All

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, which marked the start of Holy Week. As I read Isaiah 53, I was struck by the words used to describe the conditions of our Lord’s treatment during the last week of His (pre-Resurrection) life: Despised Rejected Sorrows Grief Stricken Smitten...

Do You Believe I Love You?

“Do you believe I love you?” This is the question God has been asking me during the current season of struggle I’ve been experiencing for the past several years. It’s been a difficult yet transformative journey, for—by His grace—God has been leading me into a much...

Peeking Back, Looking Forward

As I reflect on 2015, I am deeply thankful for all that God has done, and for the privilege of partnering with you in service to Him throughout the year. This divine-human cooperative provides a crucial path to hope within an overwhelming...
Be a Host

Be a Host