From above, it looked like war. A large crowd was moving down the hill, led by a woman who had long been going downhill and had nothing left to lose. Another large crowd was climbing toward them, led by a man with nothing to gain. They collided at the cemetery outside...
Participants in this month’s “Journey of a Life-Giver” training in Uganda, led by June, Patrick, and Amanda. (From June’s notes: These faces I carry with me. They are new facilitators in East Africa from our training in Uganda. They are...
I hear echoes sometimes – laughter in the street, a voice shouting my name. But it’s a common name and the shout is never for me, and the laughter is not hers. Those days are gone because I’m not clean, and I won’t be clean again. The rough cloak that hides my face...
I remember her pushing through the crowd, a desperate look on her haggard face. She broke through at last, just behind us, and called out but the roaring mob walked on. She lurched forward, exhausted, stretched out her skinny arm… A few minutes earlier, it had been...
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