Excerpt from The Journey of a Life-Giver training curriculum. 

The best example of what it means to be life-giving is the life Jesus lived.

The greatest life-giving act in history occurred when God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. That single act of redemption for mankind was the most profound and effective life-giving activity in the history of mankind. That is the character we must reflect to women, men, and children—born and preborn, wanted or unwanted, intended or unintended, loved or unloved—at every stage and every age of life. How we think, hear, speak, see, and act reveals our love for others, and demonstrates the extent to which our way of living has become redemptive in nature.

Because of God’s great life-giving actions toward us, we are directed to be life-giving toward others. Being a life-giver is more than just a theological issue to be discussed and preached about; it must be a lifestyle, how we live from day to day. But the call to give life in every part of our lives can sometimes illuminate the inconsistencies that each of us struggles with. Our words and our actions should not be in contradiction.

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

— James 3:9-10


Do you value human life like God does? By treating properly every person we meet, we are helping that person understand God’s love and grace, rather than offering shame, retribution, and wrath. By God’s grace and power it is your job to be life-giving to all whom the Lord brings into your life, regardless of the sin in which they may be—or have been—involved. By being a life-giver you have the best opportunity to introduce that person to Jesus Christ and to the forgiveness and healing offered by God through His Son.

Be a Host

Be a Host